Association of Romanian Engineers in Canada (AREC) is a Not-for-Profit professional organization of voluntary service. AREC represents thousands of Romanian engineers and other professionals in Canada, promotes their contributions to the success of Canadian economy, and establishes relationship with other technical and professional organizations, creating a forum to contribute to, and enrich our community.
We believe the most important reason to volunteer for AREC is that it is one of the best ways you can give back to our Romanian Community.
We believe that a strong professional community is essential not only to our well being but also to everyone around us, and it is critical that each of us get interested and GET INVOLVED.
The AREC would be delighted to welcome anyone willing to contribute towards the activities and events of the Association.
The Executive meetings are opened to the members and supporters of AREC. The meetings are run under Robert’s Rules of Order, but normally in a very relaxed atmosphere.
Please feel free to contact any of the executive members for more information.
“Networking-ul este cel mai important lucru pentru un proaspat imigrant. Tocmai de aceea, AREC ii pune alaturi pe nou-veniti si pe inginerii care au depasit deja hopurile primilor pasi in Canada: primii au sansa sa se prezinte si sa vorbeasca despre ceea ce stiu si ce ar vrea sa faca, ultimii isi ofera experienta si expertiza din Canada cu speranta ca ele vor fi de folos celor care au nevoie de indrumare.” – George Oprea, P.Eng.
Daniel Cheoreanu (905) 822-3455 LinkedIn Profile | |
“Like You, I came to Canada with my family and with the cultural values from my country of origin, my hopes and my dreams. Same as You, I asked myself: “Is this the right time to be here? Am I doing the right thing? How can I connect with the right people to advance my career and to make friends?” The people met at AREC helped me to become better prepared to overcome the adaptation challenges in Canada, and to achieve my goals. Today, I am serving my community… in ways that reflect my commitment to co-workers, customers, and friends; and show my appreciation for the help and support they and the community have given me. My objective is to help, encourage and inspire others to succeed in their undertaking!” – Daniel Cheoreanu
VICE-PRESIDENT – Events and Sponsorship
Emil Caraghin (416) 791-6210 LinkedIn Profile | |
“Inceputul emigrarii, ca pentru noi toti de altfel, nu a fost usor trecind prin citeva joburi de “supravietuire” cum se spune. In 1997 am reusit sa re-intru in domeniul meu de activitate si pregatire, cel de Constructii. In timp, lucrind la mai multe companii din ambele sectoare privat si guvernamental, am reusit sa inteleg si sa ma adaptez la mediul si sistemul profesional Canadian. Canada reprezinta de fapt pentru mine a treia “emigrare” iar muncind pe trei continente, pe parcursul a peste 27 de ani pot spune ca am acumulat o vasta experienta de viata si profesionala. Prin programul pilot de mentoring as vrea sa impartasesc si sa inspir noii nostri colegi de breasla, ingineri emigrati recent in Canada. Sunt foarte entuziasmat de acest proiect de mentoring. Sunt convins ca impreuna vom avea success si vom crea prietenii de-o … viata.” – Emil Caraghin
VICE-PRESIDENT – Events and Sponsorship
Paul Goldenberg (647) 453-3003 LinkedIn Profile | |
“I have been following AREC for a number of years now. Some of its members are my friends, and I could see the progress, the members’ dedication and professionalism through the AREC activities and organized events. Since my arrival to Canada in 1980, I have been working in the engineering field for private and public companies. I started as a designer, became a project engineer, then manager of engineering, general manager and I am now doing consulting. I have been exposed to many engineering fields, and involved in projects of every scale.
I joined AREC with enthusiasm and I hope that my new ideas, dedication, and networking skills, tempered by 33 years of Canadian experience, will contribute to its growth and development. I would like my participation to AREC activities to be seen as an example by the older and established generation of Romanian engineers. I hope it inspires them to join, support and get involved in this professional Association. I am confident that a stronger AREC Association would play an important role to promote a stronger and more united Romanian community in Canada.”
“J’ai suivi avec intérêt l’activité de l’association AREC pour un certain nombre d’années et j’ai remarqué le progrès, le dévouement et le professionnalisme de ses membres. Depuis mon arrivée au Canada en 1980, j’ai travaillé dans le domaine de l’ingénierie pour les entreprises privées et publiques, au départ en tant que concepteur, ingénieur de projet, puis directeur de l’ingénierie, directeur général et, à présent, en faisant du consulting. J’ai rejoint l’association dont je connais beaucoup de ses membres, avec l’espoir que mes 33 ans d’expérience canadienne contribueront à sa croissance et son développement.
J’aimerais que ma participation aux activités AREC soit considérée comme un exemple par l’ancienne génération des ingénieurs roumains afin qu’elle les inspire à rejoindre, soutenir et s’impliquer dans cette association professionnelle. J’espère que l’Association AREC joue un rôle important dans la promotion de la communauté roumaine au Canada qui deviendra ainsi plus unie et plus forte.” – Paul Goldenberg
Liliana Constantinescu LinkedIn Profile | |
VICE-PRESIDENT – Member Services
Calin Vaida (647)342-3452 LinkedIn Profile | |
Christopher Imecs Linkedin Profile
Coordinator of Engineering/Architecture Bridging Program at Humber College, Christopher brings a global perspective to the work he does. He’s definitely the right person in the right place, having faced many of the same challenges his students confront when they first arrive in Canada; Christopher understands very well their circumstances, their frustrations, and their need for a personal connection with someone who cares, and he is passionate about helping newcomer professionals to achieve their full potential.
Born in Romania and fluent in Romanian and Hungarian as well as in English, Christopher holds a Bachelor of Legal Matters from Romania, a Social Service Worked Diploma from Seneca College and he is a graduate of the Toronto Sectors Skills Academy workforce development and leadership program.
This organization brings Romanian talent together and keeps us connected for newcomer success.
I am grateful to all those that created this organizations, those who support it and to those that wish to continue for next 20 years and next generations. Thank you AREC!
Employer Liaison / Corporate Engagement – Paul Basgan, BSc., LLQP Linkedin Profile
SECRETARY– Membership and Sponsorship
Florin Orha (647) 247-5874 LinkedIn Profile | |
Florin Oprea LinkedIn Profile | |
I never forgot people that helped me at the beginning and I always pay it forward to others in need. When we bring people together in an open, transparent environment, full of activities, joy and laughter, people get to know each other from a young age to the eldest, networking to find new jobs for our young students coming out of Universities, and create bonds of friendship that last a lifetime.
Here in Canada among strangers, we do not feel so lonely anymore, when we can rely on each other when help is needed.
We have been thriving as a Romanian Community because of people that want to get involved and magnetize people to come together in the effort to make a difference in our New adoptive Country Canada, as we are Blessed to be here.
Roxana Ichim (289) 772-8823 LinkedIn Profile | |
TREASURER – Internal Relationships
Robert Andreescu P.Eng., PMP LinkedIn Profile | |
George Oprea, P.Eng, FEC LinkedIn Profile Honorary Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Ontario | |
Vlad Siperco, Founding President
Daniela Iliescu, Vice President
Daniel Cheoreanu, Secretary
Florin Doru Merauta, Treasurer
Adriana Deboveanu, Chairman Membership Committee