What’s In It For Me?    

“Ce rol a avut AREC in evolutia dvs. profesionala?
R: In evolutia mea profesianala AREC-ul mi-a deschis o usa cu numeroase posibilitati, oricand si la orice ora dandu-mi un “self-confidence” cu mare impact la atitudinea mea profesionala.
Ce va determina sa participati in continuare la actiunile AREC?
R: Atmosfera prietenoasa si calda dar totodata profesionala care te face sa te simti binevenit ca intre prieteni cu multe seminarii extraordinare pe care le recomand tuturor.
Adaugati orice altceva care considerati ca ar fi interesant pentru cititori.
R: Daca esti Roman si inginer si vrei sa faci parte dintr-o organizatie serioasa unde sa fi apreciat, daca doresti sa-ti largesti aria de cunostinte prin participarea la diferite seminarii ca cele oferite de AREC si vrei sa ai un network solid si serios atunci aceasta organizatie este pentru tine. Cu cat suntem mai multi cu atat suntem mai puternici si putem ajunge sa fim apreciati de societatea Canadiana la adevarata noastra valoare.” – Milan Todorov
Lansata in 2003, AREC isi propune sa promoveze interesele comune ale inginerilor educati in Romania si stabiliti in Canada, sa formeze si sa consolideze o retea eficace in planul comunicarii si al accesului la resurse publice specifice pentru membrii sai, sa ajute cu expertiza si consultanta gratuita inginerii din Romania in demersurile institutionale privind acreditarea (licentierea) de catre PEO (Professional Engineers in Ontario) , urmata de identificarea de locuri de munca adecvate si corespunzatoare nivelului de pregatire. Prin tot ceea ce face, AREC onoreaza in fond imaginea si identitatea culturala si profesionala a specialistilor romani in Canada.

How can I become a member of AREC?
You need to follow a few simple steps:
Sign up AND upload your diploma (.pdf or .jpg, maximum 2 MB) by clicking here.
Pay the membership fee by Pay Pal, e-mail (Internet Banking) or cheque. You will be taken to the payment page after you finish the sign-up (item 1 above). A few days after the payment you will receive a confirmation email, which is your payment receipt. Keep the receipt number; you might need it if you have insurance with TD Insurance Meloche Monnex. 

Why should I become an AREC member?

As an AREC member, you will benefit from the experience and expertise of AREC members through various networking opportunities. You will have access to online career services, a job bank and other resources that can help you find a job and advance in your career.  You will also have the chance to participate to the seminars (How to advance your career, Step-by-step admission process to PEO, Cross-Cultural Training, How to get a job – Head Hunters presentation, etc), Romanian VIP meetings and Galas organized by AREC.

Why network?

“What matters is where the real relationships are.” – Seth Godin“Networking is one of those activities that is always important but only urgent when it is too late.” – Dr. Bruce HellerBecause, NETWORK is surrounding yourself with people who support you! What propels your career success whether you are self-employed or working for others? “Networking with as many as possible.” A commonly known phrase says: “What you know is important; who you know is even more important.”

Furthermore, a more appropriate phrase would be: “It isn’t who you know, but who knows you and knows what you know.

“Networking is getting known by those who count “Are there people (in my network) who I would go out of my way for and who would go out of their way for me?” – Seth Godin

As noted above, your relationships matter – your professional network of trusted contacts gives you an advantage in your career, and is one of your most valuable assets. Who you know and more importantly who knows you can help your credibility. AREC’s purpose is to help you make better use of your professional network and help the people you trust in return. 

Improve your performance with the guidance of peers and mentors who’ll help you stretch and achieve your full potential. Be INTERESTED rather than trying to be INTERESTING. Be part of something bigger than yourself.

Let’s Connect and Build Relationships “One possible way is to think of connections as career, task, and social relationships. A career relationship is with someone that you will continue to keep in touch as you move from job to job — a mentor, a technical guru, etc. A task relationship is with someone you work together on a project — you may bump into each other ten years later and chat, but the relationship is essentially short-lived. A social relationship is with your social network as you would consider it before the birth of “social network sites” — people you know and keep in touch outside work.” – Mircea Mihaescu
Please participate.Please share ideas.Please ask questions.

Meet the people who can help your career“You will be the same person in five years from now as you are today, except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read.” – Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.

Together We Are Stonger!“You will gett all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig ZiglarWhat is PEO?

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for engineering in the province. Under the Professional Engineers Act, PEO is responsible for the licensing and discipline of engineers and companies providing engineering services. Individuals may not call themselves a professional engineer, a P.Eng., or use any similar title that may lead to the belief that they are qualified to practice professional engineering in Ontario, unless they are licensed by PEO.

For details go to http://www.peo.on.ca/

What do I need to do in order to obtain the PEO license?

To become a professional engineer, applicants must meet the following criteria: be at least 18 years of age; be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; graduate with at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited Canadian engineering program, or meet PEO’s education standards; successfully complete PEO’s Professional Practice Examination on ethics, practice, engineering law and professional liability; and obtain four years of verifiable, acceptable work experience, with at least one year in a Canadian jurisdiction under a licensed professional engineer. For details go to http://www.peo.on.ca/

Why do I need to obtain the PEO license in order to practice engineering in Ontario?
As with medicine and law, you require a licence to do certain engineering work within the province of Ontario.  However, not everyone working in engineering requires a licence.  Whether you require a licence depends on the type of engineering work you are doing, and the level of responsibility you have. 
You require a license if:
– your work requires you to design, compose, evaluate, advise, report, direct or supervise; and
– the work will safeguard life, health, property or the public welfare; and
– the work requires the application of engineering principles. 

You are not required to be licensed if, for example:
– your work is strictly related to research, testing, or inspection;
– or there is no risk to life, health, property or the public welfare if your work is performed incorrectly; or
– the work is strictly scientific in nature.
For details go to http://www.peo.on.ca/ and check PEO Certifications section to enjoy savings offered by AREC’s partners for the PPE seminars. Where can I translate my transcripts?Please click here.       Where can I find more information about PEO’s technical examination and how will AREC assist me in the process of obtaining the PEO license?

At least once a year, AREC organizes seminars for those who plan to apply to become Professional Engineers in Ontario.

Please check AREC Upcoming Events here to see if any such seminar is planned soon.

Can I use the term “Engineer”?
Enforcement is legal action PEO takes against individuals or entities who practice engineering without being licensed, or offer engineering services without holding a Certificate of Authorization.
Enforcement of Engineering Title Usage in the Province of Ontario – For more info go to http://www.peo.on.ca/ then click Enforcement on the left side menu.
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