This is Your AREC. Get Involved!
This is my dream for AREC!
Like most dreams, it is bold and fragile in equal measure.
I dream of a steady flow of people who join AREC also in the other Canadian provinces and in USA, too! They come together because it feels so good to be among others, who think it’s important to make better choices, to collaborate and to create a market place for Romanian engineers to succeed. We will become ARENA = Association of Romanian Engineers in North America
Since its beginnings in 2003, AREC has focused on helping newcomer engineers integrate into the Canadian labour market and on providing development and networking opportunities for established engineers.
With more than 500 members, AREC is more and more an action-oriented organization with international focus, regional actions and local relevance. The AREC’s primary focus is to establish Romanian engineers as an indispensable part of the engineering mix in Canada.
AREC members include engineers educated in Romania now living in Canada, engineering students and engineers educated in Canada of Romanian descent and any company or organization that employs engineers and/or engineering services.
The Mentoring program we have run for over 3 years has tremendously benefited both new immigrants and experienced professionals: the newcomers have learned how to make the first steps towards building their career in Canada, while the mentors have had the opportunity to develop their coaching and leadership skills, as well as the deeply rewarding experience of giving back and paying forward.
We are now launching a new project focused on our future: the youth, our children.
The statistics show that it’s the younger Canadians that are hardest hit by the country’s tight job market. Unemployment for this group has been for years double the national average. In Toronto only, the unemployment rate for non-visible minority youth is 19.5 %, and almost 24% for visible minority youth.
We are seeing our children and their friends struggle throughout university to find summer jobs. Upon graduating, we are seeing them applying to hundreds of jobs and not able to secure one because they lack the experience.
One of the things that make us proud as a community is that the Canadian-Romanian students have the highest graduation rate and the lowest dropout rate from schools and for that, we Thank You!
We want to step in and help our children with the same dedication we have supported – and will continue to support – newcomers.
AREC has over 800 members and supporters from all walks of life. All these 800 people know other people who know other people. Our reach is immense and we want to put it to a good cause: help our youth get employed.
What we want to do is leverage the power of this network by connecting youth with established professionals in their field. We cannot promise and guarantee jobs, but we can promise connections and opportunities to learn more about a field of interest or the requirements of a specific industry.
Specifically, we want to be a connector between new graduates looking for employment and established professionals. We invite all young professionals to contact us and let us know their field of interest. Through our connections, and YOUR connections as well, AREC wants to help you further in your career pattern offering the possibility to connect with experienced people in engineering as well as in the other fields such as banking, investments, marketing, sales, you name it. We will try to find an established professional in their field willing to dedicate a few hours of their time for an informational interview. It is what most youth need: connections and guidance. AREC is here to provide just that!
I would like more people to take just a little time to connect with our vision to champion excellence of Romanian talent, professionalism and creativity in engineering as key drivers of business success in Canada. It’s a vision of changing the attention we pay to strengths, to connections, to kindness and to aspirations.
When I dream for AREC, I dream of you. I dream that you notice, that you value, that you bring your friends and share and grow what we can do.
I invite you to visit our website and to Contact Us.
Join AREC, bring your friends too and bring your ideas! Together We Are Stronger!
I wish you all to achieve the greatest success in all your endeavours, whether personal or professional.
Thank you,
Daniel Cheoreanu
President AREC
BIG THANK YOU to all our sponsors and partners for their continuous support!
MULTUMIM sponsorilor si partenerilor nostri pentru sustinerea activitatilor AREC!
Lansata in 2003, AREC isi propune sa promoveze interesele comune ale inginerilor educati in Romania si stabiliti in Canada, sa formeze si sa consolideze o retea eficace in planul comunicarii si al accesului la resursele publice specifice pentru membrii sai, sa ajute cu expertiza si consultanta gratuita inginerii originari din Romania in demersurile institutionale privind acreditarea (licentierea) de catre PEO (Professional Engineers in Ontario), urmata de identificarea de locuri de munca adecvate si corespunzatoare nivelului de pregatire.
Prin tot ceea ce face, AREC onoreaza in fond imaginea si identitatea culturala si profesionala a specialistilor romani in Canada.